Monday, July 23, 2012

Home Sweet Home

In just seven short days I will be headed back to the United States and my beautiful home state, COLORADO! After two months of traveling and studying I am quite ready to go home and do absolutely nothing for two weeks before school starts again. What a glorious thing to do absolutely nothing. As I ponder home and everything that will meet me once I get there, I have decided to share a bit about my wonderful family and the ones that I love so very much.

My crazy goofy family this past Christmas: Myself (far left), my mom, my dad, and my sister Heather (far right). I love them so very much and can't wait to delight in them and all their quirks when I am home for a short respite before starting school again.

My sister Heather, Mom, St. Nick, and I in Breckenridge, Colorado at Christmas time. Oh how I love these delightful women and am so blessed to have them in my life.

My daddy is an incredible man of God and has been a wonderful father to me in all of my twenty years. He always takes time to listen to me and encourage me. His encouraging texts always bring me to tears. I love being able to call him and tell him about all that I am learning, especially theology. Its so great to be able to discuss my thoughts about God with such an incredible man who loves the Lord with all his heart. He has done such an incredible job with leading our family. I only hope that someday my husband will be as incredible of a husband and father that my daddy has been.

My mom is wonderful godly woman and loves to serve our family. It is so very clear that she shows her love by serving and providing for my family. I can always count on my mom for good advice and an encouraging conversation. She always looks out for me and makes sure that I am taken care of, even when I am far away at school. She has taught me what it means to be a godly woman, not only through words but through actions as well. I love her with all my heart and can't wait to go home, grab an ice tea, sit in the sun and share all my adventures with her.

My spunky 16 year old sister is such a joy in my life. I am so happy to have such a fun, outgoing, confident, godly sister in my life. In the past 16 years I have seen her grow into a wonderful woman who loves God and desires to see His name praised throughout the nations. She is an incredible soccer player and lives life to the fullest. Im so excited to take a drive down the street to our favorite frozen yoghurt place (where she now works, woot woot) with the windows rolled down blasting some country music and singing at the top of our lungs.

My ridiculous dog Harley. He is an australian shepard mix and always brings light to my life. He has so much energy and everytime I come home, I swear he is always the most excited to see me.

Delaney, myself, and Shannon. These are my closest friends from high school. We are scattered all across the world this summer, but I always keep them in my thoughts and prayers. They bring great amounts of excitement and love to my life and I cannot wait to be reunited with them so very soon!

Delaney is a wonderful writer and a light to my life. A fiery red head, she can always be counted on to bring smiles into my life and deep conversations about our most Holy Lord. She loves horses and rides them with such a free spirit. Delaney is going to do great things for the Lord and I am so excited to be a spectator to her life! 

Shannon is one of my dearest friends. As a passionate worshiper, Shannon will encourage me in my walk with the Lord and will always share in my pain and joy with me. I am so excited for her to pursue her dreams of missions work in India and can't wait to see what the Lord does in and through her in the coming years. Much like Delaney, she is going to do great things for the Lord.

This is my boyfriend, best friend, and love of my life Benjamin Michael Klaus.

Ben is an incredible man, I really can't think of a better word. He makes me laugh and encourages me in so many ways! He loves the Lord with all his heart and is an incredible musician. I love having long talks with him, sitting on the dog beach in Chicago, and just being our goofy selves. I am so grateful to have him in my life and can't wait to be reunited with him so very soon! This summer apart has been a great test for us and I would say that we have succeeded! I love this man and can't wait to spend the rest of my life discovering more of the man that God has made him to be. (Yes, I realize Ben is not from Colorado but home is where the heart is right?)

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