Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Let Hell be Filled with the Teeth of Our Exertions

A dear friend of mine shared this quote with me this past week and I wanted to share it with others; it really captures my current state and view of ministry. This is how I want to view my prayer life. In the end I want to be able to say that I did everything that I could to show, tell and be Christ to others; that I gave my life to serve Him and that no lost person who crossed my path would go unprayed for.

 “If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they 
perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay.
 If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go
 unwarned and unprayed for.” -Charles Spurgeon

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A New Love

Its been quite a while since I have last blogged, life has been CRAZY. Since my last post, I have moved back to Chicago, been reunited with Ben, giggled and screamed as I saw all my wonderful friends again, and started my 2nd semester of my Junior year (how time flies)! These last 3 (almost 4) weeks have been incredible, and as always God is faithful. Being back in Chicago and starting a new semester, God has renewed in me a love for prayer. Somewhere along the way, I lost my love for it and that is tragic. But I am so grateful to my living Lord that He has shown me once again, the power and complete necessity of prayer. How do I expect to see revival in my city, in the ministy the Lord has graciously given to me, and on my campus, if I dont cry out to Him for that revival? Its a simple thing to do, its a converstation, something we do everyday with the people around us, yet we struggle to talk with the one who loves us the most. Its easy for me to talk with people who love me and with people whom I love, yet when it comes to THE lover of my soul there seems to be something that gets in the way. Maybe its my busy schedule, maybe its my sin, but these are no excuse. I MUST pray. If I expect change, I need to pray.

So this is my goal for the rest of the year and the rest of my life: pray to the extent that I want change. In other words "pray without ceasing." Its a mandate from the Bible and something I intend to keep. My professor from my Systematic Theology class told us something about prayer this summer that has stuck in my mind ever since, he said: prayer is the means to an end ordained by God. I want to make sure that I am faithful to fulfill the means to my Lord's glorious end. Im excited to see the change that will happen in my life and in people around me.

On a different note, I want to include some highlights from my time back home in Colorado. It was a wonderful and relaxing time. I am so grateful for my family and the time that I had at home. I cant wait to see them again at Thanksgiving!

#1 Hiking with my family

 #2 Family Time

 #3 Running the Color Run with my amazing sister Heather

 #4 Boating with my family, but more specifically tubing with Heather.