Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Strangers to Family

62 days ago I stood in the Chicago O'Hare airport surrounded by strangers. Today I stand side by side with brothers and sisters, family. Monday morning we all leave this beautiful land called Europe and head back to our respective homes.

It seems like just yesterday, I was standing in line to check into my flight when a tall, striking, confident, woman, came up to me and said "Hey I'm Hannah, are you going on the Europe trip?" Little did I know that we would become such dear friends.

It seems like just yesterday, I was boarding a flight to Paris, sitting next to a beautiful blonde farm girl from Canada struggling to make small talk. Little did I know that this stranger girl named Ashley would become like a sister to me.

It seems like just yesterday, I was standing in the Houghton elevator, when an bubbly girl asked me if I was going on the Europe trip and how my packing was going. Little did I know that Chesney and I were practically the same person in everyway and would travel to Nice, France together.

It seems like just yesterday, I was moving into an apartment in the city for two weeks and would live with a crazy giggly girl named Jin. Little did I know that we would share so many heart to hearts over the next months.

There are so many more stories and the list goes on and on. I have made countless friends, but not only are they friends, but they are family. We have enjoyed many laughs, cried many tears, struggled through class, dealt with death, and shared some amazing adventures. God has blessed me with so many more brothers and sisters and I am so grateful to know these incredible people. Life will never be like this again, we will go back to school and live in our separate dorms, not seeing each other 24/7. It will be a change, but I know that family always pulls through and we will find a way to share in each other's joys again, whether through facebook, email, twitter, or coffee chats on Saturday mornings, a way will be made. So here's to an amazing summer in Europe and an incredible life ahead. I love you all and am so honored to become a spectator to ya'lls lives! Thanks for a great summer!

The group minues a few, I couldnt find a decent one with all of us in it. Suppose I need to make that happen before we leave officially. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Home Sweet Home

In just seven short days I will be headed back to the United States and my beautiful home state, COLORADO! After two months of traveling and studying I am quite ready to go home and do absolutely nothing for two weeks before school starts again. What a glorious thing to do absolutely nothing. As I ponder home and everything that will meet me once I get there, I have decided to share a bit about my wonderful family and the ones that I love so very much.

My crazy goofy family this past Christmas: Myself (far left), my mom, my dad, and my sister Heather (far right). I love them so very much and can't wait to delight in them and all their quirks when I am home for a short respite before starting school again.

My sister Heather, Mom, St. Nick, and I in Breckenridge, Colorado at Christmas time. Oh how I love these delightful women and am so blessed to have them in my life.

My daddy is an incredible man of God and has been a wonderful father to me in all of my twenty years. He always takes time to listen to me and encourage me. His encouraging texts always bring me to tears. I love being able to call him and tell him about all that I am learning, especially theology. Its so great to be able to discuss my thoughts about God with such an incredible man who loves the Lord with all his heart. He has done such an incredible job with leading our family. I only hope that someday my husband will be as incredible of a husband and father that my daddy has been.

My mom is wonderful godly woman and loves to serve our family. It is so very clear that she shows her love by serving and providing for my family. I can always count on my mom for good advice and an encouraging conversation. She always looks out for me and makes sure that I am taken care of, even when I am far away at school. She has taught me what it means to be a godly woman, not only through words but through actions as well. I love her with all my heart and can't wait to go home, grab an ice tea, sit in the sun and share all my adventures with her.

My spunky 16 year old sister is such a joy in my life. I am so happy to have such a fun, outgoing, confident, godly sister in my life. In the past 16 years I have seen her grow into a wonderful woman who loves God and desires to see His name praised throughout the nations. She is an incredible soccer player and lives life to the fullest. Im so excited to take a drive down the street to our favorite frozen yoghurt place (where she now works, woot woot) with the windows rolled down blasting some country music and singing at the top of our lungs.

My ridiculous dog Harley. He is an australian shepard mix and always brings light to my life. He has so much energy and everytime I come home, I swear he is always the most excited to see me.

Delaney, myself, and Shannon. These are my closest friends from high school. We are scattered all across the world this summer, but I always keep them in my thoughts and prayers. They bring great amounts of excitement and love to my life and I cannot wait to be reunited with them so very soon!

Delaney is a wonderful writer and a light to my life. A fiery red head, she can always be counted on to bring smiles into my life and deep conversations about our most Holy Lord. She loves horses and rides them with such a free spirit. Delaney is going to do great things for the Lord and I am so excited to be a spectator to her life! 

Shannon is one of my dearest friends. As a passionate worshiper, Shannon will encourage me in my walk with the Lord and will always share in my pain and joy with me. I am so excited for her to pursue her dreams of missions work in India and can't wait to see what the Lord does in and through her in the coming years. Much like Delaney, she is going to do great things for the Lord.

This is my boyfriend, best friend, and love of my life Benjamin Michael Klaus.

Ben is an incredible man, I really can't think of a better word. He makes me laugh and encourages me in so many ways! He loves the Lord with all his heart and is an incredible musician. I love having long talks with him, sitting on the dog beach in Chicago, and just being our goofy selves. I am so grateful to have him in my life and can't wait to be reunited with him so very soon! This summer apart has been a great test for us and I would say that we have succeeded! I love this man and can't wait to spend the rest of my life discovering more of the man that God has made him to be. (Yes, I realize Ben is not from Colorado but home is where the heart is right?)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

In Honor of Diversity

This summer I have been given the privelage of traveling Europe. It has always been a dream of mine to see the world and I am slowly checking countries off my list one at a time. As I travel and encounter so many different views and people I am reminded that God is the God of the nations and that He loves all people. He created diversity and I am so ecstatic to be able to witness this diversity. So in honor of diversity, I have decided to share a few pictures of some of my favorite spots in all of the world.

One of my favorite views in all of Europe: Rome, Italy.

The Colosseum: Rome, Italy

My emotions when thinking about the colosseum are quite complicated. I loved seeing this amazing feat of architecture and ancient piece of history, yet it was such a somber place to be at because of all the death that took place within it's walls. Regardless, it was an incredible site to behold.

San Clement Basilllica: Rome, Italy.

This is probably number one on my list of favorite places in the entire world. Not only because of the beautiful architecture on the outside and the wonderful courtyard, but also because of what is underneath. Below this incredible basillica is a 3rd century church, but below that is a 1st century house church. The church was most likely used by Clement. It was such an incredible feeling to walk in the same location that first generation Christians walked and worshipped. Praise the Lord for preserving such incredible location! 

Regello in Tuscany, Italy.

Such natural beauty, I could live here and just have picnics with a glass of wine, a good book, and the one I love. This was by far the most relaxing place in all of Italy that I have been. Its a wonderful place to see all the creativity in God's creation: olive trees, poppies, cherry trees, tall grasses, and so much more.  

The Alps: Wilderswil, Switzerland.

Being a Colorado girl, naturally I loved the Swiss Alps. The hiking was incredible and the views from the tops of the peaks where breathtaking. I could sit on the top of this peak for all of eternity, such majesty.

East Side Gallery Berlin Wall: Berlin, Germany.

I loved seeing all the incredible artwork on the wall. Such an incredible juxtapostion of new life, creativity, and freedom versus the old oppression and injustice that the wall used to represent. Featured in this picture is myself on the left and my beautiful friend Lauren Downey on the right.

Lucky Marriage Ring: Nurmberg, Germany.

I love this specific location because of the playfulness and just down right fun that it represents. I didn't have a special affinity for the city of Nurmberg, but I did love this fountain. Essentially what happens is that you spin this ring clockwise, and then you will receive luck in your marriage or marriage to come. It was fun to participate in something that really only the locals knew about.

Nice, France.

The beaches in Nice have made it into my top three beaches of all time. Most of the beaches in Nice are pebbels which provide for a wonderful massage on your feet. The water is incredibly blue and the temperature is just perfect. Nice is one of the best vacation spots I have ever been to.

Saint Honorat Island Monestary: Cannes, France.

This island is my favorite place in the entire world. Saint Honorat Island is just off the coast of Cannes, France in the French Riviera. The island is located right next to another island where boats and huge yachts park in between. It is an incredible view to see all the boats parked there. However, my favorite part was the monestary located on the island. The architecture was so incredible and the garden was so beautiful it took my breathe away. My friend Chesney always tells me about this childrens book called Fredrick the Mouse, where the mouse has moments where he takes in everything around him by focusing on each of the five senses individually. That way he can remember everything about that moment. This was a Fredrick the Mouse moment for me. I will never forget this moment and how I felt here for the rest of my life.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Joy. This tiny little word, composed of three little letters has changed my life, so much so that it is permanently inked on my body. But it is more than joy that changed my life. It is the root of my joy and the source of all my joy: my SAVIOR and lover of my life Jesus Christ. My joy comes from the Lord. He promises joy with every morning.
                                        "Weeping may tarry for the night,
                                          but JOY comes with the morning."
                                          Psalm 30:5
This promise from the Lord, found in his word, is one that I hold to everyday, every morning, and every waking moment. Though weeping and sorrow is inevitabe, God still promises joy with every morning. How incredible that I serve a God who loves me enough, that despite my circumstances and present sorrows, still gives me joy in the morning. That is the God that I love and that is the God that I serve.

Trials come that bring weeping and sorrow, no one can avoid it. As a fallen world, we all experience loss and despair, no one is immune. I have had my fair share of loss and weeping but my cross to bear is anxiety. I have always been an anxious person, as I think that most introverts are to some degree. However, my anxiety has always seemed to exceed others, normal people didn't have such bad anxiety that it would paralyze them did they? This paralyzing anxiety all started my first semester of college, most likely coming from my move into Chicago and a new setting. By the time Thanksgiving break rolled around I was so sick of my anxiety that I did the only thing I knew to do: cry out to my Savior. And as promised, he answered my prayers, the prayers of his daughter. He gave me joy. Joy that exceeds any sort of temporary happiness that we might find. My joy is permanent because it rests in my Father, the one who loves me and calls me His. Sure, anxiety is still a battle, but I know that God is faithful and will provide me with joy once again.

This is why I can't be silent, this is why I must blog: because my Living God has given me joy and I can't contain it inside of me. My hope is that as I enter into this new and exciting world of blogs, that I would encourage someone, inspire someone, or who knows, maybe even make someone laugh.