It seems like just yesterday, I was standing in line to check into my flight when a tall, striking, confident, woman, came up to me and said "Hey I'm Hannah, are you going on the Europe trip?" Little did I know that we would become such dear friends.
It seems like just yesterday, I was boarding a flight to Paris, sitting next to a beautiful blonde farm girl from Canada struggling to make small talk. Little did I know that this stranger girl named Ashley would become like a sister to me.
It seems like just yesterday, I was standing in the Houghton elevator, when an bubbly girl asked me if I was going on the Europe trip and how my packing was going. Little did I know that Chesney and I were practically the same person in everyway and would travel to Nice, France together.
It seems like just yesterday, I was moving into an apartment in the city for two weeks and would live with a crazy giggly girl named Jin. Little did I know that we would share so many heart to hearts over the next months.
There are so many more stories and the list goes on and on. I have made countless friends, but not only are they friends, but they are family. We have enjoyed many laughs, cried many tears, struggled through class, dealt with death, and shared some amazing adventures. God has blessed me with so many more brothers and sisters and I am so grateful to know these incredible people. Life will never be like this again, we will go back to school and live in our separate dorms, not seeing each other 24/7. It will be a change, but I know that family always pulls through and we will find a way to share in each other's joys again, whether through facebook, email, twitter, or coffee chats on Saturday mornings, a way will be made. So here's to an amazing summer in Europe and an incredible life ahead. I love you all and am so honored to become a spectator to ya'lls lives! Thanks for a great summer!
The group minues a few, I couldnt find a decent one with all of us in it. Suppose I need to make that happen before we leave officially.