Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Incarnation: a few thoughts

Have you every really truly thought about the incarnation: about Jesus, coming to earth for the sole purpose of dying for our dirty, stained, filthy life? In this Christmas season, the incarnation has especially been on my mind. I'm no scholar, I don't even think I could consider myself a theologian, but I love the Lord. So here are just a few of my musings about the Savior that I love coming to earth.

Just over 2000 years ago a baby was born into the earth, that baby was the savior of the world. Now this concept alone is incredible: the humility that it takes for the creator of the earth to come in the form of a baby is incomprehensible. A baby, one of the most helpless creatures on the face of the planet, that is what Jesus first came into. In a book that I have been reading it says this about the incarnation:
"In a mystery that boggles the minds of angels, a mystery we call the incarnation, the creator climbs into the flesh of his creatures and becomes like those who were meant to be like him, those who in their sin have become the exact opposite of him."
Now this adds a whole other perspective on the incarnation; one I have never fully realized: God, in his humility came to earth becoming like us when we were meant to be like him. And to think we know anything of humility!

Jesus didn't stay a baby. He spent his life serving others, performing miracles, and proclaiming  the love of the Father. But it was the humility at the end of his time on earth that is the most striking of all: Jesus' death on the cross. The King of all kings and the Creator of the universe died on a cross so that we can be saved from an eternity of separation from him. This was his ultimate purpose. He was brought into the earth to die. He came to live so that he might die. He died so that we may live. What love,what humility, what a savior!

My Sister

Sisters are a blessing from the Lord. I love my sister so much and I dont know what I would do without her! I know it looks like we are twins, and people have asked us that before, but believe it or not, she is almost four years younger than me. However, at times it feels as if she is the older one; she has wisdom beyond her years. I supposse I am writing this post because I miss her so much, but actually I think its because I admire her so much too and I must share her with the world.

Heather is still in high school yet her heart for the Lord far exceeds her age. She desperately wants to see her friends call upon the name of the Lord and believe me, she is doing everything that she can to accomplish this. She lets the Lord use her in whatever way he see's fit. She willingly surrenders her life to the Lord. To say that I am a proud sister would be an understatement. Heather is a light. She is filled with the joy of the Lord and that joy is contagious to everyone around. I praise the Lord that I have a sister who is not afraid to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ! I cannot wait to be reunited with my sister. I cannot wait till we can "party it up" (as she texted me the other day) when I am home for Christmas. I cannot wait to share the joys of being a wife together. I cannot wait to share the joys of being a mother together. But most of all I cannot wait to share a cup of coffee with her and talk about the Lord and his work in our lives.

So Heather, know that I love you and cannot wait to see you in just a few more days! And whoever else reads this post, thank the Lord today for your siblings. Pray for them and encourage them. God has them in your life for a special purpose, dont forget that today!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Living in the Moment.

This week I am going to take time to live in the moment. This is not something that comes easy to me. I often find myself stuck in the past or looking forward to the future (or sometimes even dreading the future). But oh how much I miss when I forget to look around and enjoy the present. I keep hearing the Lord pulling me back, telling me to slow down and take it all in. Life will never be the same, today is a gift.

They say that once you find the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want the rest of your life to start. And maybe even a couple hours ago I would have agreed with this, but the Lord has changed my perspective. My life is now, Ben and I's love story will not start with a ring on my hand or the words "I do." But rather, it started 2000 years ago with my King's death on a cross. It is by his mercy that I can say "I love you" to Ben and he can do the same. Without Christ's love and mercy, our earthy love would not exist. This is why I choose to live in the moment, in the now. God has given us today, today to be in love and today to demonstrate His. Of course I'm excited for the future, and I cant wait to be fully be with the one I love. But, I want to enjoy the process, because after all, it took a process for us to fall in love in the first place. 

Today was a beautiful day: the sun was out, the leaves were falling and I was with the one I love. Today was a day that I lived in the moment. Both Ben and I have been crazy busy with mid-semester exams and papers and as of late; have been spending most of our free time in the library. But we had just about two hours of free time, so what did we do?! We went on a lunch date and ate outside in the lovely fall weather. The food was great but the company was even better. What can I say? I'm in love!

We kinda like each other!

Yummy Mexican food!

Enjoying the beautiful sunny weather!

And froyo, best way to end a date!